
The Role of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expectations in Dealing with Social Feedback

Analysis scripts and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Dynamic interplay between reward and voluntary attention determines stimulus processing in visual cortex

Data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Feature-Specific Attention Allocation and Rapid orienting to fearful faces

Data and preprint of an unpublished EEG study investigating feature-specific attention allocation in the context of attention to fear.

Attentional gain is modulated by probabilistic feature expectations in a spatial cueing task: ERP evidence

Raw EEG, eye-tracking, and behavioral data of the study reported in [this paper](

Rapid extraction of emotion regularities from complex scenes in the human brain

Materials, data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading

Preregistration, materials, data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features?

Materials, data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing

Materials, data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](

Shedding light on emotional perception: Interaction of brightness and semantic content in extrastriate visual cortex

Materials, data, analysis scripts, and preprint of the study reported in [this paper](