"Pattern Recognition; Visual"

Semi-Parametric Proportional Hazards Models with Crossed Random Effects for Psychometric Response Times

The semi-parametric proportional hazards model with crossed random effects has two important characteristics: it avoids explicit specification of the response time distribution by using semi-parametric models, and it captures heterogeneity that is …

Multiple Synergistic Effects of Emotion and Memory on Proactive Processes Leading to Scene Recognition

Visual scene recognition is a proactive process through which contextual cues and top-down expectations facilitate the extraction of invariant features. Whether the emotional content of the scenes exerts a reliable influence on these processes or …

Valence-Specific Modulation in the Accumulation of Perceptual Evidence Prior to Visual Scene Recognition

Visual scene recognition is a dynamic process through which incoming sensory information is iteratively compared with predictions regarding the most likely identity of the input stimulus. In this study, we used a novel progressive unfolding task to …